Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Kit: 

  • Access to downloadable study material (LSSBB Handbook) for lifetime
  • 26+ hours of Instructor-led interactive virtual classroom session on the weekend
  • Access to 45+ hours of Module based Six Sigma, BB lectures via LMS
  • Access to recordings of your virtual sessions for a lifetime
  • Soft copy of Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Body of Knowledge
  • 3 Live Data-oriented project, with Scenario and Analysis Methodology
  • 20+ Dummy Project, Case studies, Exam tips, References, and Notes
  • 100+ Project Analysis Templates and Downloadable Toolkits
  • Support via subject expert through telephonic discussion on the weekend
  • Sample questions and mock for examination preparation
  • Pre and Post assignments for process groups and knowledge areas
  • Project implementation support and Data visualization using MINITAB PRO
  • CLSSBB certification examination anytime within the 90 days course duration
  • Internationally recognized certification to a candidate scoring more than 50% marks
  • Certification Validation Tool for third-party credentials verification
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification

The Black Belt Certification is a third-level belt of the six sigma family and the most exceptional level affirmation. The Black Belt Certification holders are experts who are relied upon to function as a six sigma venture proprietor or pioneer and guide and coach green belt holders under them. A Black Belt ought to show group initiative, change management, comprehend group elements, and dole out colleague jobs and duties regarding finishing the six sigma ventures.

Black Belt Certification holders are capable of six sigma DMAIC system, DEFINE | MEASURE | ANALYZE | IMPROVE | CONTROL and work under the supervision of Master Black Belt Holders.

  • Learn Lean Six Sigma Black Belt via the most advance and effective learning methodology.
  • Live Instructor-Led Six Sigma Black Belt Training with live projects and 24*7 learning support.
  • Learn high-level Data Analysis, DFSS Certification Online, and Change Management with MINITAB PRO Simulations.
  • The training is delivered by Master Black Belt experts with case studies and projects.
Global Recognition of Your Certification
  • Lean Six Sigma curriculum and certification Accredited by The Council For Six Sigma Certification, USA
  • Certification Accredited by International Quality Federation, USA
  • Training aligned and acknowledging the BOK of The American Society For Quality, USA
  • Course Approved by Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India
  • Certification accredited by UKAC, United Kingdom
  • Certification accredited by ATA, International Association For Six Sigma Certification, USA

This Black Belt program develops your expertise in productivity and excellence with hands-on knowledge from Master Black Belt Experts. Learn practical applications in quality projects, Lean, DFSS, The Design For Six Sigma, and DMAIC. Gain in-depth knowledge and critical skills in Lean Management, Six Sigma Green Belt, Minitab, and Six Sigma Black Belt.

The Council for Six Sigma Certification abasiselglobal minitab training isel iassc accreditation

Six Sigma Black Belt possesses a thorough understanding of all aspects of the Lean Six Sigma Method including a high level of competence in the subject matters contained within the phases of Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) as defined by the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Body of Knowledge.


This black belt course is carefully designed by domain experts and MBB trainers into 12 focused modules with an aim to equip participants with the knowledge of various techniques and tools using MINITAB PRO 19 (statistical & non-statistical) from the industry point of view to make decisions based on data and facts. 

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Curriculum: 

Define Phase: The Basics of Six Sigma

  • Meanings of Six Sigma
  • General History of Six Sigma & Continuous Improvement
  • Deliverables of a Lean Six Sigma Project
  • The Problem Solving Strategy Y = f(x)
  • Voice of the Customer, Business, and Employee
  • Six Sigma Roles & Responsibilities

Define Phase: The Fundamentals of Six Sigma

  • Defining a Process
  • Critical to Quality Characteristics (CTQ’s)
  • Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ)
  • Pareto Analysis (80:20 rule)
  • QFD and Kano Analysis
  • Project Management, CPM, PERT, Risk Analysis, Activity Network Diagram
  • Basic Six Sigma Metrics: including DPU, DPMO, FTY, RTY Cycle Time, deriving these metrics

Define Phase: Selecting Lean Six Sigma Projects

  • Building a Business Case & Project Charter
  • Developing Project Metrics
  • Financial Evaluation & Benefits Capture
  • Strategic planning and deployment for initiatives
  • Hoshin Kanri
  • Portfolio
  • SWOT

Define Phase: The Lean Enterprise

  • Understanding Lean
  • The History of Lean
  • Lean & Six Sigma
  • The Seven Elements of Waste: a. Overproduction, Correction, Inventory, Motion, Overprocessing, Conveyance, Waiting
  • 5S: Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Self-Discipline, Sort

Minitab Download and Simulation

  • Download Minitab and run a test to understand the working
  • Data simulation and project working over Minitab
  • Six Sigma Tools & Templates access and working 

Measure Phase: Process Definition

  • Cause & Effect / Fishbone Diagrams
  • Process Mapping, SIPOC, Value Stream Map
  • X-Y Diagram
  • Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA)

Measure Phase: Six Sigma Statistics

  • Basic Statistics
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Normal Distributions & Normality
  • Graphical Analysis

Measure Phase: Measurement System Analysis

  • Precision & Accuracy
  • Bias, Linearity & Stability
  • Gage Repeatability & Reproducibility
  • Variable & Attribute MSA

Measure Phase: Process Capability

  • Capability Analysis
  • Concept of Stability
  • Attribute & Discrete Capability
  • Monitoring Techniques

Analyze Phase: Patterns of Variation

  • Multi-Vari Analysis
  • Classes of Distributions

Analyze Phase: Inferential Statistics

  • Understanding Inference
  • Sampling Techniques & Uses
  • Central Limit Theorem

Analyze Phase: Hypothesis Testing

  • General Concepts & Goals of Hypothesis Testing
  • Significance; Practical vs. Statistical
  • Risk, Alpha & Beta
  • Types of Hypothesis Test


Analyze Phase: Hypothesis Testing with Normal Data

  • 1 & 2 sample t-tests
  • 1 sample variance
  • One Way ANOVA: a. Including Tests of Equal Variance, Normality Testing, and Sample Size calculation, performing tests and interpreting results.

Analyze Phase: Hypothesis Testing with Non-Normal Data

  • Mann-Whitney
  • Kruskal-Wallis
  • Mood’s Median
  • Friedman
  • 1 Sample Sign
  • 1 Sample Wilcoxon
  • One and Two Sample Proportion
  • Chi-Squared (Contingency Tables): a. Including Tests of Equal Variance, Normality Testing, and Sample Size calculation, performing tests and interpreting results.

Improve Phase: Simple Linear Regression

  • Correlation
  • Regression Equations
  • Residuals Analysis

Improve Phase: Multiple Regression Analysis

  • Non- Linear Regression
  • Multiple Linear Regression
  • Confidence & Prediction Intervals
  • Residuals Analysis
  • Data Transformation, Box-Cox


DFSS - Design For Six Sigma

  • DFSS History, Quality Concepts
  • Quality Tools, Pareto Analysis
  • House of Quality, QFD & TRIZ
  • DFSS Deployment
  • DFSS Phases
  • DFSS Tasks
  • Design for DFX
  • Tolerance Settings
  • Validate the Design
  • Axiomatic Design
  • FMEA
  • Experimental Design
  • Design Optimization
  • Tolerance Design, Precision/Tolerance

Improve Phase: Designed Experiments

  • Experiment Objectives
  • Experimental Methods
  • Experiment Design Considerations

Improve Phase: Full Factorial Experiments

  • 2k Full Factorial Designs
  • Linear & Quadratic Mathematical Models
  • Balanced & Orthogonal Designs
  • Fit, Diagnose Model, and Center Points

Improve Phase: Fractional Factorial Experiments

  • Designs
  • Confounding Effects
  • Experimental Resolution

Control Phase: Lean Controls

  • Control Methods for 5S
  • Kanban
  • Poka-Yoke (Mistake Proofing)
  • TPM and Visual Factory

Control Phase: Statistical Process Control (SPC)

  • Data Collection for SPC
  • I-MR Chart
  • Xbar-R Chart
  • U Chart
  • P Chart
  • NP Chart
  • X-S chart
  • CumSum Chart
  • EWMA Chart
  • Control Chart Anatomy
  • Subgroups, Impact of Variation, Frequency of Sampling
  • Center Line & Control Limit Calculations

Control Phase: Six Sigma Control Plans

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis
  • Elements of the Control Plan
  • Elements of the Response Plan
  • Sample project work implementation and description by the trainer
  • CLSSBB Examination preparation and mock questions discussion


From the course:

Six Sigma Black Belt unlocks up plenty of career opportunities. The potential for job growth will increase along with the overall pay. Those who are trained in this course can easily expect some openings exclusively offered to them. Those who are trained in this methodology have lucrative ideas and are respected and sought after in their field. Six Sigma Black Belt training can help in a number of ways and is widely applicable in every domain and process. Individuals looking to excel can easily tap into these training courses and get on the fast track to a successful career.

This Six Sigma Black Belt certification Online helps in:

  • Demonstrates one’s ability to integrate Lean Six Sigma as a long-term continuous improvement philosophy in their organizations.
  • Gives cutting-edge value to professional data.
  • Improves job performance.
  • Opens up greater career prospects.
  • Demonstrate various leadership roles and responsibilities
  • Gain a fundamental understanding of all components and techniques used in project management
  • Demonstrate team leadership and understand team dynamics
  • Demonstrates one’s ability to apply Enterprise-wide high-complex DMAIC projects.

According to recent surveys by sixsigma.com, the median Six Sigma Black Belt Salary for certified professionals in this field is approximately $83,107 per year.

From the workshop:

  • Instructor-led training by Six Sigma Master Belt experts to make candidate learn the real scenario of six sigma tools and methodology
  • Learn the principles and philosophy behind the Six Sigma method
  • Dummy project by instructors to make candidate get hands-on on six sigma projects
  • Downloadable e-book & estimate of Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Cost in India
  • Industry-based case studies
  • High-quality training from an experienced trainer
  • The Program extensively uses Minitab, specialized statistical software. It provides you with a thorough knowledge of Six Sigma philosophies and principles (including supporting systems and tools).

The Six Sigma Black Belt program is the third level program (after Green Belt) designed for those who wish to be Project leads for Six Sigma projects, and are responsible for high-level problem-solving challenges. Black Belts serve as mentors and trainers for the other members of the project team.

There is no pre-requisites/eligibility criteria for the Black Belt certification. There is no educational or industry minimum experience requirement for the Black Belt certification. 

One may directly proceed for the Black Belt Certification. If one has six sigma knowledge, has worked in six sigma projects, or knows the six sigma methodology, then green belt certification is not needed. You may directly plan for the Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Online.

Our best Six Sigma Black Belt certification in India includes the Green belt topic coverage. We provide you with the Green Belt learning material so as to refresh your six sigma knowledge and then take you to the advanced level of Black Belt training. 


On successful completion of the course and course requisites, the candidate will receive Internationally recognized Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification.

Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt training and certification is approved and accredited by CSSC, IASSC, IQF USA & UKAC UK. 

This course offers the Six Sigma Certification Validation Tool for Employers

Your Six Sigma Certification Validation Tool can be used by employers, clients, and other stakeholders to validate the authenticity of the Six Sigma Certifications you have received. Using the program code located on your certified LSSBB certification, one can see all your training and certification details online.

About Course Advisor

Master Black Belt Expert, TPM & TQM Consultant, ISO 9001 2015 Lead Auditor & Consultant, and CMMi L5 Assessment Team Leader

He has around 30+ years of proven experience as an Experienced Leader, Trainer, and Consultant towards Lean Six Sigma, Quality Management, Risk Management, Total Quality Management (TQM), Total Productive Maintenance ( TPM), Defect Management, Customer Management, Project Management, Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), ISO 9001: 2015 QMS, ISO 27001, ISO 20001 and other Process Improvement Areas.

Overall completed around 225+ Green Belt and Black Belt Projects and mentored around 225+ Projects across various esteemed organizations.

Have also conducted around 400+ Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt Training Sessions in all, covering 20000+ professionals in Open House Sessions, Virtual Sessions, and In-House sessions in India, USA, South Africa, France, and Belgium.

Customer Speak

July Combo Offer